Is Garlics a Scrabble Word? Yes

Garlics is a valid Scrabble word, earning you 10 points. The breakdown of points comes from the letters: G (2), a (1), r (1), l (1), i (1), c (3), and s (1). This word can be a strategic addition to your game, as it not only scores well but also allows you to use a common ingredient in a unique way. Knowing that garlics is accepted can give you an edge over your opponents.

Definition for the word Garlics.

  • bulbous herb of southern Europe widely naturalized; bulb breaks up into separate strong-flavored cloves (noun)
  • aromatic bulb used as seasoning (noun)

Is Garlics a Valid Scrabble Word?

Yes Garlics is a valid Scrabble word.

Scrabble Point Value of Garlics: 10 Points
Words with Friends Point Value of Garlics: 13 Points

We hope this answered your question of "is Garlics a valid Scrabble word?". Included is the definition, examples of the Garlics in a sentence, and the Scrabble word values of Garlics. If you have any suggestions for WordFinderPro let us know on our contact page. Scrabble words are referenced with the 2020 NASPA Word List.