Is Realpolitik a Scrabble Word? Yes
Yes, "Realpolitik" is a valid word in Scrabble, earning players a total of 17 points. Each letter contributes to this score with R, e, a, l, o, l, i, t each worth 1 point, p worth 3 points, and k worth 5 points. This combination makes "Realpolitik" not only a unique word but also a valuable addition to one's Scrabble vocabulary.
Definition for the word Realpolitik.
- politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations (noun)
Is Realpolitik a Valid Scrabble Word?
Yes Realpolitik is a valid Scrabble word.
We hope this answered your question of "is Realpolitik a valid Scrabble word?". Included is the definition, examples of the Realpolitik in a sentence, and the Scrabble word values of Realpolitik. If you have any suggestions for WordFinderPro let us know on our contact page. Scrabble words are referenced with the 2020 NASPA Word List.